Customisation with
13 building blocks
Our service is always customised, composed of 13 building blocks. These are programmes which have been proven to be effective in practice and which we strongly believe in. They all exude the philosophy of Allied Forces, in the development as well as in the execution. In addition we offer special leadership courses, with customised trips to Ghana, Norway and Marocco for example.
Human Performance Analysis
This scientifically validated survey shows exactly how employees view the current and the desired culture and how this image is related to the personality traits and the desired result on individual, team and organisational level.
High Performing Individual
We investigate and develop the performance of each individual. We do this, amongst others, by personal coaching and specific attention from the desired development.
High Performing Leadership
This programme focuses on the development of leaders who are in balance with their thoughts, feelings and intuition. They have the right leadership skills and demonstrate the behaviour needed to lead their teams and team members to joint success.
High Performing Team
Making the impossible possible: Tailored to the necessity and desire the programme offers teams the necessary move to a High Performing culture, where the human being uses its full potential and unknown results are being achieved.
High Performing Organization
The design of the organisation influences its performance. By developing leadership, you can bring along the whole organisation in an essential change process.
Strategy Planning & Execution
To come to a result, a clear vision, a clear strategy and a concrete plan are necessary. This programme helps leaders and their teams to make clear choices, to make interdependence visible and to maintain agility. This is how they activate themselves to achieve the desired result.
Management Development
As High Performance will need to be safeguarded and followed through in the whole organisation, we offer tailored Management Development.
Culture Book
This scientifically validated survey shows exactly how employees look at the current and the desired culture and how that image is related to the personality traits and the desired result on individual, team and organisational level.
Accelerating Extreme Ownership Solution
This pressure cooker for change shows measurable results immediately. Within 10 weeks we realise a breakthrough together.
Sales Leadership & Execution
Which competences and skills are needed within your High Performing Sales Organisation? We discover and develop them with people and teams in every phase of the commercial dialogue, with the goal to offer the client a solution and to have them decide on working together.
Boardroom Leadership Dynamics
This programme develops leadership within the organisation to be able to function on boardroom level. How do you deal with contradicting interests, contextual influences and very complex situations?
Leadership trips
In a process of several months you work towards a challenging, physical journey to your personal chore. Confronting and particularly inspiring.
During the cooperation with our clients it is necessary that we eventually become dispensable. Depending on the need and necessity, we train teams and individuals to become experts. This is how we safeguard knowledge and experience within the organisation.