Anton van den Berg
Anton van den Berg worked as a manager in the Marine Corps for 18 years and has been self-employed and a partner at Allied Forces Consultancy since 2018. Around the world, Anton developed successful organisations, managers and teams. In complex situations at the Marine Corps, he learned that ownership, mindset and blind trust not only produce top performance, but also contribute to sustainable employability and results.
What sets Anton apart is his integral change approach and personality. He gets people moving through his result-, process- and people-oriented way of working. As a contractor, he builds successful teams, managers and organisations from a foundation of trust.
With his scientific background at TNO and several completed Human Resource courses, Anton has done a lot of research. For instance, he has developed a model used as an organisation scan by Allied Forces.
Anton is father of four children and with his wife devotes a lot of attention to social contacts, sports and voluntary work. He likes to give his sporting activities social value by, for example, running marathons for charity. In his spare time, he can often be found in, on and sometimes under the water.