Jan Kosters
To support the growth of Allied Forces, business economist Jan Kosters processes customer surveys “behind the scenes.” He tailors our surveys to fit the client’s situation, manages the routing of participants, and produces reports. Jan says, “This is typical computer work, which I can do anytime and anywhere. That’s why it’s a great fit with my other job as a magician (www.goochelaarjan.nl / www.123magie.nl).”
Jan became involved with Allied Forces because he personally knows partner Anton van den Berg. “I see Anton as a man on a mission. Allied Forces has a clear stance on whom they can and cannot assist. It’s not just about making money, but primarily about the people on the shop floor. This approach immediately resonated with me. I believe that money is just a means. If we – as people – focus on what’s truly important, the world becomes a better place for everyone. I try to convey this in my work and performances.
My contribution is modest; I mainly want to ensure that others can focus on the real work. I handle a portion of the necessary reports and office work. I’m employed flexibly, which I find very convenient. I can respond quickly, allowing colleagues to continue with the client promptly.”