Sylvain Gaspersz
Sylvain Gaspersz trains mental resilience from a holistic approach. As a sports teacher and lifestyle coach, he has developed a powerful method to connect body and mind. For example, to influence stress. “I look at breathing, heart rate, and movement. Why do you breathe faster at times and why does your heart beat faster? What emotions are connected to it and what does the body show? In a broader sense, nutrition and sleep also affect the brain and therefore behavior.”
In the training sessions Sylvain provides for Allied Forces, connective tissue is often the focus.
“Our body remains upright thanks to connective tissue, which contains various sensors for pain, heat, stress, and hormones. What you perceive, you can regulate, like soldiers and police officers do when dealing with high tension. Think, for example, of special interventions and arrest teams.”
Sylvain translates the techniques to the business world and specifically to the people he trains. “I bring them back to their core, their self-awareness. This can have a huge impact on daily life, so also in private. Some really change course, which can be much needed. Resilience strengthens enormously because the individual grows mentally and physically in the group. And that is in everyone’s interest, including the group and the client.”